Marriage Counseling Before Divorce

In some states, marriage counseling is required before a party can file for divorce.  In Minnesota, there is no requirement…

Matthew J. Gilbert

How to Collect Spousal Maintenance in Minnesota

As a part of a divorce proceeding, alimony or spousal maintenance may be awarded to either party if one spouse…

Matthew J. Gilbert

How do I start a divorce proceeding if my spouse lives out of state or in another country?

In Minnesota, a divorce proceeding is initiated by serving a Summons and Petition.  The Summons and Petition is personally served…

Matthew J. Gilbert

I was served with a Summons With Real Estate and a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, what should I do?

The Summons and Petition initiate the divorce proceeding.  In Minnesota, the Summons orders you to appear before a court. Filing…

Matthew J. Gilbert

How Does Adultery Affect Alimony/Spousal Maintenance in Minnesota?

  Proceeding with a divorce that was caused by adultery can be one of the most stressful times of your…

Matthew J. Gilbert