Consumer Protection

Minneapolis Consumer Protection Lawyer

Consumers have rights and it is important that those rights are protected. Gilbert Alden PLLC is dedicated to protecting consumers from predatory and abusive business practice. We help individuals throughout the Twin Cities fight back against those who have violated them.

Perhaps you have been the victim of debt collection harassment or there have been credit reporting problems that have resulted in your credit being adversely affected. Regardless of how you were violated, having an experienced consumer protection attorney representing your interests can provide you with the outcome that you seek.

Effective Representation Against Debt Collector Harassment

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) states that consumers are protected from debt collection harassment and abuse. The Act prohibits collectors from using misleading, unfair, and abusive collection tactics. At the same time, it permits consumers to sue for damages when their rights have been violated. This compensates consumers for the rights violation and penalizes debt collectors for not using proper practices when collecting on a debt.

Some of the abusive tactics that debt collectors may use include:

  • Threatening violence
  • Repeatedly calling whether or not the call is answered
  • Not identifying who they are
  • Calling before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m.
  • Threatening legal action or wage garnishment
  • Stating that they are affiliated with an organization they have nothing to do with
  • Contacting you after you have notified them in writing that you don’t want them to
  • Using racial slurs or profanity.

Ensuring Fair Credit Reporting

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) protects the names of consumers. Unfortunately, incorrect reporting to a person’s credit report can ruin their good name. Their credit history can be ruined and their privacy can be invaded by banks, the credit reporting agencies, and lenders who do not report accurate information or fix their errors. A person’s rights are also violated when their credit report is used for purposes they didn’t give permission for.

When a person has fallen victim to FCRA violations, they can sue for damages.

Protecting Your Rights

There are other areas in which consumers need protection. Those areas include when buying a car, when laws regarding the misuse of credit cards are violated, when facing issues with utility companies, or when a payday loan lender goes bad. There are so many ways in which consumers are violated and that is why a Minnesota consumer protection attorney is needed when these violations occur. By holding the party who exercised unfair and deceptive practices responsible for their actions, you are helping prevent such actions from occurring to someone else while also collecting damages for yourself.

Contact A Minneapolis & St. Paul Consumer Protection Attorney

Consumers can be violated in a number of ways, which is why they need to be protected. With the help of an experienced consumer protection lawyer, individuals can receive the advocacy they need to ensure that rights violations are addressed appropriately. To learn more about what the Gilbert Alden PLLC can do for you, call 612-564-3622 for a free consultation.